Posts tagged reimagined
Labyrinth Journals

“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” -Jeremiah 6:16

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol based on the spiral. While there are many layered meanings, I most simply see it as a walking prayer. It is one path in and one path out. While a maze is a puzzle and designed to get your lost, a labyrinth is a clear path and you need only keep taking each step in front of you. Walking towards the center is a reflection of looking inward and the path back out symbolizes re-engaging with those around you. Both are important. Many have used it for centering and meditation. This particular design is from ancient Crete, the oldest labyrinth design (besides an actual spiral).

I’m glad to be able to offer these and keep being reminded that our lessons are layered like these curves are. We start on the outer and think we have finished that understanding as we move forward, but we actually keep coming back to it, to a deeper understanding. It doesn’t necessarily mean we didn’t get it the first time...there are just more layers to it all.

May these assist you well as you walk your path. Patches created by The Chemical Marriage

Handbound Leather Journey Journal

"Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” 

Ky Crafted 2016

Ky Crafted: The Market is such a fun show and tends to kick off my festival season each year.  I love being able to share new designs and get feedback.  Because we've just finished up the winter, its a great place to see everyone again and meet new folks as well.  The first day is always for wholesale, and I met some new buyers this year as well as saw ones that I've been working with for awhile.  You can view the stores that my work is available in under "retailers".  Saturday and Sunday is retail.  There were around 200 artists, KY Proud food, and a stage with music.  If you missed it this year, mark your calendar for next year.  Thanks to everyone who came out!!

These girls were so excited to each have their own journal.  They were delightful!

This little one is a daughter of a regular customer who has quite a collection of journals, including one that his wife had me make him for their anniversary.  His daughter seem to take notice for the first time and was pretty enchanted with them all.

Chattanooga 2013

My first outside show of the year was at the 4 Bridges Art Festival in Chattanooga, TN.  I fell in love with that place--the people were so friendly, there were local businesses everywhere, and fun art was all over.  I had just enough extra time to fit in some tasty restaurants and check out some cute, new boutiques. I stayed at a hostel, Crashpad, and was able to walk to and from the show.  It was all so fabulous!


With love for Rwanda

This book was created for a lady who is heading to Rwanda this summer to meet her adopted son. Her circumstance is quite unique and she is planning on making annual trips there. This journal is meant to accompany her and allow her to record her story. It is created from repurposed leather and archival, recycled paper. The lettering is handstitched, and the book is handbound.

Vintage Text Blocks


I'm so intrigued by old text blocks and the appearance they create by simply being. It's almost like they transport you to a quieter time by their very existence. Text blocks are being used for all sorts of decorative purposes these days.  Even furniture stores like Arhaus are using them in interesting ways:

 When a customer asked if I'd make bookends, this was the first thing that popped into my mind:

If you are interested in any text blocks as bookends or otherwise, just let me know.

Teachings from Horses

Any time I become intrigued with a particular animal, I like to explore what Native Americans, Shamans, and Healers associate with that animal.  This can be called an animal totem or animal medicine.  It’s fascinating as each animal has different characteristics to teach us.  Horses are no different.  Horses are one of the few animals that is said to have made alliance with humans early on.  They set us free to travel and transport and work the ground in ways that people had not been able to do before.  It is interesting to note that engines are still measured in “horsepower”.   They have often been associated with mystical powers, especially in various mythologies.  Part of this mystical power is intuition.  With this knowing comes a deep sense of knowing themselves.  There are many references to a horse’s dignity whether it is running wild and free or pulling a plow and the heaviest of burdens.  A horse knows that regardless of its domestication it can quickly become once again the untamed spirit it always was.  This is part of the horse’s teachings: to walk through difficult circumstances with ease and dignity, knowing that deep down we are always free.  This goes along with personal empowerment and tapping into your own inner power.  Horses demonstrate this whether they are racing or running wild or pulling a plow.   They are continually tapping into their power.  They teach us that what we need to access is right there within us.  Think about a horse galloping.  When you allow the horse to set its own pace, riding quickly becomes a pleasure.  It is teaching us to get in touch with our own spirit, allowing this part of ourselves to discover our distinct rhythm.  Doing so sets us free to really enjoy life.  Everything has a bit more ease in it.  Another aspect worth noting is the mother horse.  She gives herself fully to supporting her colts, which can be seen in the sway of her back when she is suckled.  However, she knows when enough is enough.  She does not allow more to be taken from her than is necessary.  We can learn a lot about self-care from the mother horse.  She knows when it is time to take care of herself and teaches her little ones when it is time to take care of themselves.  This is mostly done by example.  The lessons we can learn from horses goes on and on.  They have much to offer us if only we will listen a little more deeply.  The Kentucky’s state logo is “unbridled spirit”.   I love this!  It brings to mind a horse in its natural habitat, without the conditionings we’ve put on it.  That phrase “unbridled spirit” calls out to my gypsy soul…the part of me that continues to learn how to be untangled and free.  I am reminded that, regardless of what things may seem, I am free.

Intentions for the New Year

I dreamt about wings last night.  Large, gorgeous butterfly wings.  I was walking down a gravel lane in the woods along a creek, and there were two stacks of them.  Of course, I gathered them all up as carefully as I could.  Upon waking, I knew I wanted to share about wings today.  I've been interested in winged creatures since I was young.  Angels in particular. I recall a couple of years ago complaining about my shoulders hurting and saying that my wings were coming in.  When I was 18, I wanted wings tattooed on my back. I wanted big wings.  I had medium-sized wings my freshman year in college.  I wore them to dances, Halloween parties, and random get-togethers for years.  Last month, I found myself creating fabric cocoons, hanging from a branch.  Beautifully fragile.  Potential.  Waiting.  That was December.  Then on New Year’s Eve, I found myself desiring wings again.  I wanted to bring in the New Year wearing them.  While that did not happen physically, I did find that I wore them energetically.  If you were there, you probably saw them.  They were real in their own way.  What I didn't realize at the time was that they were setting the tone for my New Year's intentions.  Let me just say that New Year's is my favorite holiday. I love the symbolism of starting fresh and recreating who you want to be, letting the parts of you go that did not serve you well.  Usually, I reflect a lot going into January, and it's not that I didn't this year.  However, it was different.  I was quieter within myself.  I didn't rush into figuring out how I wanted to change.  I realized that what I wanted was intentions, and I meditatively waited for those to come.  Several came in soft whispers throughout the first few weeks of January.  Here are a couple that I want to share...


Transform: This brings to mind the image of a cocoon as well as the wings that emerge from it and all the capabilities they offer.  This year, I want to give birth (and transform) into an even truer version of myself, embracing my own power and "bigness".  

Be gentle with yourself: I have a tendency to be a bit of a slave-driver towards myself and be too harsh a critic.  With this, I want to give permission to life being easier and not always something I have to fight through.  I continue to also become aware that I don't have to suffer anymore.

What are your intentions for 2012?

ATC Book

I just completed this custom design. Someone contacted me wanting to have the Anarchist's Tool Chest printed and bound. I'll admit to being a bit hesitant as I did not know what content a book like this would have. Thankfully, I proceeded with the e-conversation and found out that it has to do with using woodworking tools to create lasting furniture. This request was also just for the index which came out after the actual book did. I worked with a local printing company to print the inside, created the cover, and bound it.  It turned out quite fabulously, and the cover has a rustic feel that works so appropriately with the content.

Green Sea Turtle

I was asked to create a custom piece featuring a sea turtle. I had to do a bit of research to do so and discovered some pretty fascinating aspects, especially the way they are shaped. The customer was correct in asserting that the pattern on the back echos a labyrinth. It was fun discovering how intricate I could get while still maintaining a clean, minimalist look.

Holidays in the Studio

I got inspired tonight amidst various orders and, of course, a long to-do list.  The inspiration started here, which I saw last week.  I guess those ideas have been simmering in my head somewhere.  All I know is that I was finishing up an order like any other evening. Before long, I'm getting all these text blocks of books together and deciding how I'm going to turn them into a Christmas tree.  I found an extra string of lights, made a paper star top, and hung my mini book ornaments.  It's the first time I've ever had a Christmas tree in my studio, and I'm actually pretty excited about it.  Happy Holidays to me!



Personalized Noteables

For those of you who do not yet know, Noteables are journals that are made with roof from the RCA Dome.  I happened upon People for Urban Progress (PUP) a couple of years ago and began learning about this material.  The RCA Dome was an Indianapolis landmark between 1984-2008. Upon demolition ofthis structure, PUP arranged for the salvage of approximately thirteen acres (about 90%) of the roof material.  PUP was already creating other products out of the Dome roof, and I asked if I could try making books.  Since that time, I've created over 500 books in partnership with PUP.  Those pictured below are plain covers with elastic closures.  They are all handbound and have 96 recycled pages in them.  They cost $24, and I will hand-stitch intials for an additional $7.  You can also pick from a variety of thread colors.   These would make great Christmas gifts!  Get your orders in ASAP to make sure it is completed in time.


"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."      - Melody Beattie

I have felt floods of gratefulness.  They have been coming in waves over the past several months.  I was driving to one art show in August and realized how deeply grateful I am.  It was almost like a light coming on:  I am so grateful.  I am learning and growing and moving forward and getting to do work that I consider play.  I am supported by strangers and friends and acquaintances.  I am thankful for healing and the continuation that it is and truth and it's ability to continue to make itself known.  I'm thankful for people who have been good medicine and the various forms that has taken.  

What a Weekend

I felt giddy this whole past weekend and kept saying to myself, "Oh my gosh-I'm at Woodland Art Fair!”  I remember walking it when I was little and being mesmerized by all the colors, texture, and creativity.  At that time, I had no idea that I would one day participate.  Everything about it was fabulous...well, besides my voice going away on Sunday.  Otherwise, the weather was ideal, the Lexington Art League did an amazing job, and I got to see familiar, new, and friendly faces.  I deeply appreciate all the support and kind words that everyone gave.  One young woman said, “I don't usually journal, but I would if I had something this lovely."  Yes!  Another young woman is having me make a custom journal for her dear friend whose twin brother passed five years ago.  I am all too familiar with this sort of experience.   She continued to say that her friend feels him close when she dances.  Her friend was there with quite tears falling.  It was one of those beautiful connecting moments where they then began telling me all the things that represent him and their relationship so I can be sure to include it on the journal.  It was so good getting to meet and talk with them.  So many beautiful moments filled the weekend.  Truly, thank you all for filling up my booth and taking some time to share yourselves with me. 

Dance, Dance, Dance

Yes, that title was taken from a Lykke Li song. Speaking of dancing songs, check out Iron and Wine's Boy with a Coin if you haven't done so already.  So beautiful.  I spent this past weekend selling at a dance workshop.  The people that were there wore the most inspiring colors and flowy materials.  Since I knew this workshop was coming up, I created a couple new lines of journals geared towards dancers.  These dance journals are designed to inspire and encourage dancers.  You can use them for taking notes at class, for reflecting on what arises in you as you dance, or for prayers that you may find yourself dancing.  They are covered in fun colors and added embellishments, including braids and bells.  These are not yet available online, but please let me know if you are interested in one.

An Invitation...

All my journals have different bits of love and intentionality.  All are unique.  However, some in particular echo inside me long after they’ve been sold.  This one has been coming to mind a lot lately:

A fabulously energetic lady (from Atlanta if I recall correctly) bought it at the Berea Craft Festival a few weeks ago.  Most folks come into my booth and linger and take time really enjoying the essence of it all, making careful decisions about what book they want.  Not this lady.  She marched right in, took a glance around, and picked this one up, saying she wanted it.  “It speaks to me…you made it for me,” she told me.  I love that.  I love that it spoke to her and is what she needed at that particular point in her journey.  Sometimes folks tell me that they don’t have good (significant, poetic, etc) enough words to write in beautiful books.  I try to help them alter their perspective a bit:  the books are not meant to be intimidating; they are meant to be an invitation.  The lady in Berea was a poignant reminder of this for me.  These books are an invitation to write, to reflect, to sketch, to grieve, to celebrate, to wonder, to dream, to create, to grow, to inspire and on and on.  I make them in hopes that they will beckon and remind you that you are worth noting and reflecting on— the joys, the sorrows, the lessons, the seemingly mundane, all of it.