Posts tagged journey
Handbound Leather Journey Journal

"Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” 

Traveling this Summer? {Travel Journals}

"Pilgrims are poets who create by taking a journey."
–Richard Niebuhr

I find that when I travel, I tend to take a new journal specifically for reflections and sketches pertinent to that adventure.  Journeys are such a change of pace that they can reveal parts of us to ourselves that we are too busy to pay attention to when we are in our regular routine.  It's nice to have something to captures these moments.  Also, because I use archival paper, you can add photos or mementos that you may collect along the way.  I recently had a customer tell me about a “smash book”.  It’s similar in concept to a scrapbook.  The difference is rather than waiting until you get back home to neatly organize and layout your ticket stubs, maps, photos, etc., you put things in your book as you collect them.  Her idea makes so much sense for those of us who have the best of intentions to scrapbook, but really just need to do things in the moment.  It is sometimes all too easy for all the memorabilia to end up in a shoe box that is lucky to even have a label with the date on it. 

My travel journals are now available in small, medium, and large.  They have 192 archival pages (includes both sides) and come with a pen and pen holder closure.  You can decide which size is best for you, depending on what size bag you tend to carry, whether you need more room for sketches or not, etc. 

Happy travels to all of you on journeys of all kinds this year!

The Journey Begins with a Step

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
-Lao Tzu

This handmade, leather journal was carefully planned and co-created for a 7th wedding anniversary.  I was contacted by the wife who wanted a custom journal made for her husband.  The traditional gifts for the 7th wedding anniversary are wool or copper.  I was asked to incorporate both.  Her husband likes earthy colors (he was initially drawn to my work because of the coffee bag books), and she wanted the quote on the first page.  The word "journey" is hand-stitch on environmentally-friendly, 100% wool in a copper colored thread.  The center closure is copper.  I also really like that it is a circle since that echoes both wedding rings and the idea of a journey.  Their anniversary was earlier this week, and I received the kindest email from her husband once he received it. 

"I just received my 7th anniversary gift, a Reimagined by Luna original!
I'm delighted with the journal, and the story behind it (as indeed I have been behind all the products I have from Reimagined by Luna) and can't stop looking at it! Thank you very much!!"

The other really cool thing about this journal is that you can close it a variety of ways.
Here are three examples:

I'm really please with how this one turned out and enjoyed making it in honor of this couple's anniversary.  Happy 7th Anniversary to them!